The Only SLO is “Fast Enough”
Jul 17, 2023 David Malangone Blog Managed IT Services 1 min read

Sourcepass Service Level Objects for Support Response
Sourcepass state Service Level Objectives (SLO) within our agreement language that sets expectations around response times for various types of service incidents. While some SLOs may differ, the most common events typically have a one-hour SLO.
Handling High-Stakes Tasks
However, if a client is trying to complete a high-stakes task and they experience an IT glitch that impedes their ability to work, one hour can feel like an eternity. Response can occur within 45 minutes, well under SLO, but the client may feel as though that took too long. As a result, the only SLO that matters is one that is “fast enough.”
If that’s the case, why would a service provider focus on measuring their performance against SLO if the metric may not be meaningful for clients in some circumstances? At Sourcepass, we measure our performance against SLO to drive perpetual improvement in time-to-respond and time-to-repair metrics.
Proven Response Times for Business Continuity
For example, in April 2023, Sourcepass averaged .76 hours in time-to-respond across our service teams. In May, we lowered that average to .53 hours through the reallocation of resources into a Rapid Response team dedicated to addressing the most frustrating, but quick to address issues, such as password resets.
Managed IT Services and IT Support with Sourcepass
When help is needed, no one wants to wait. As a result, Sourcepass monitors and measures performance to make sure all responses are “fast enough,” regardless of stated SLO.
If you are interested in hearing more about how we leverage Service Level Objectives to monitor and measure service performance, reach out to David Malangone at (877) 678-8080.